This isn’t intended to be a guide for everyone, I’m only able to discuss my experiences and the pitfalls I wish I’d been told about before I fell right into them.
First off, enjoy the down time between your last exam and starting any job or internship. It’s so tempting to jump right into things, especially with your bank account in a shambles after 3 years. BUT that could be the longest break with absolutely no responsibilities you’ll have for a while, so make the most of it. Squeeze out the last scraps of overdraft and visit that friend who ended up in a shoebox in London, persuade someone to drive you down for an inexplicable BBQ and camping in a field in Essex. You can earn the money back, but you’ve only got one chance to see everyone before your time belongs to the man.
Treat yourself with that first pay check, you earned it! You’ve spent the last 3 to 5 years scrimping and saving, and if you’re anything like me you got very used to enjoying frozen oven chips and sausages. So buy that shirt you’ve been eyeing and finally try that Korean BBQ that you could never quite justify.
After that first month, have a look over your expenses and your pay and set out a realistic budget. Minus any bills and rent along with a set amount that you’re going to try and save (you’re really going to love council tax). After a frank look at my savings I realised that most of my wastage was on buying a lunch every day and taking an Uber for any journey over 50 metres. After taking the time to pack a lunch every night, and walking to get some much needed cardio my finances were looking alright.
One of the biggest changes is losing the spontaneity of student life. What do you mean I have to arrange holidays a week in advance? Planning? Isn’t that just a fancy word for being old and boring?
Unfortunately you are old and boring now, and that means sorting out everyone’s availability and commitment well in advance. Now that most of your events are at the weekend, getting your mates to commit before they’re booked up is key. (No, you can’t visit your mum this weekend, I made a Facebook event for mini golf a month ago!)
Try not to get into a Brexit debate straight away, wait at least a month before you call out *that* co-worker.
Now you’ve hit Christmas, and you’ve got the money to buy your family all the presents you want! It might be your first time home properly and you get to see all your old friends again, splash a bit of cash and have a good time.
January comes around, your savings are in tatters and now you have to start saving for that lads holiday AND don’t forget to work on that summer bod. Brilliant.
Well at least try and enjoy the next 60 years until retirement…

This isn’t intended to be a guide for everyone, I’m only able to discuss my experiences and the pitfalls I wish I’d been told about before I fell right into them.
First off, enjoy the down time between your last exam and starting any job or internship. It’s so tempting to jump right into things, especially with your bank account in a shambles after 3 years. BUT that could be the longest break with absolutely no responsibilities you’ll have for a while, so make the most of it. Squeeze out the last scraps of overdraft and visit that friend who ended up in a shoebox in London, persuade someone to drive you down for an inexplicable BBQ and camping in a field in Essex. You can earn the money back, but you’ve only got one chance to see everyone before your time belongs to the man.
Treat yourself with that first pay check, you earned it! You’ve spent the last 3 to 5 years scrimping and saving, and if you’re anything like me you got very used to enjoying frozen oven chips and sausages. So buy that shirt you’ve been eyeing and finally try that Korean BBQ that you could never quite justify.
After that first month, have a look over your expenses and your pay and set out a realistic budget. Minus any bills and rent along with a set amount that you’re going to try and save (you’re really going to love council tax). After a frank look at my savings I realised that most of my wastage was on buying a lunch every day and taking an Uber for any journey over 50 metres. After taking the time to pack a lunch every night, and walking to get some much needed cardio my finances were looking alright.
One of the biggest changes is losing the spontaneity of student life. What do you mean I have to arrange holidays a week in advance? Planning? Isn’t that just a fancy word for being old and boring?
Unfortunately you are old and boring now, and that means sorting out everyone’s availability and commitment well in advance. Now that most of your events are at the weekend, getting your mates to commit before they’re booked up is key. (No, you can’t visit your mum this weekend, I made a Facebook event for mini golf a month ago!)
Try not to get into a Brexit debate straight away, wait at least a month before you call out *that* co-worker.
Now you’ve hit Christmas, and you’ve got the money to buy your family all the presents you want! It might be your first time home properly and you get to see all your old friends again, splash a bit of cash and have a good time.
January comes around, your savings are in tatters and now you have to start saving for that lads holiday AND don’t forget to work on that summer bod. Brilliant.
Well at least try and enjoy the next 60 years until retirement…